Monday, April 4, 2011

Where Have I Been?

Hey Readers, Hope all is well. Ive not been a very good girl lately...:( I havent been to the gym in like three weeks...Last week i started back up. I worked out for three days and that is all. This week im starting it back up again. I did a whole hour full of workout, ex: walked on treadmill, biked, worked my upper and lower body. I am in pain now. :) and I am loving it!! I will get with my sisters and see how they are doing...It is APRIL and JUNE is just around the corner. I am starting up a new blog about college, so if you read this. check out my adventures in college. :) that is all for today. have a blessed day:)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

dum dum dum...

Hey guys,
today is wednesday...and today is the first time I went to workout in four days...:( I know. I try to leave the weekend to free time...but now thats going to changes cause when I weighed myself today it was 237.80lbs. It was so devestating, but i worked out a bit harder today.

I walked for 15 mins on the treadmill, worked my abs, sholders and chest also my legs.

Mom wanted to go walk the block so when i came home we did that. for all the people who know where i live, we started on the side of mrs. hurboughs house...(not good at stree names, and im too tired to get up and look :)) then took palmeadow...(mom told me that one) and then turned right. Mom decieded to end the walk, but i kept going on...I jogged a half a block...(i think) it was an awesome feeling. now im about to hit the showers and hang with the best friend tonight...hope all is well with yall:)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weekends are the worst...

Hey everyone,
Hope all is well. I have just been thinking about the worst days that you eat all the time. Weekends are the worst for me. Yesterday (Friday) I went to Applebees, and then the rest of the day I ate off and on. I just get the munchies during this part of the week.

I talked to my sisters and mom about a "Biggest Loser" weight loss deal. We havent started the start date but I think I will let them know we need to start tomorrow...(Sunday 27th) Sunday is the first day of the week and it should be the first day of our challenge. A few days ago I emailed my sisters/mom about my idea and the process is this: We weigh ourselves and email our weight to each other so we can know no one is cheating:) Then we do our own thing to lose weight. You can either eat whatever and excersise, watch what you eat, go on a hard core diet, or whatever you think you can lose weight with. I thought our ending date would be June 1st...swim suit season:) Also we needed a prize. One of my sisters thought a gift card to one of our fav shopping place, double our weight loss number and all the losers pay that person. ex. if you lost 30lbs the losers would pay 60$. A massage, a gift basket... They all agreed to do it. I think it would be fun...

Just to let you know what I am doing: I am going to still excersise at SnapFitness and watch my calories. I did that before and I lost a few pounds.

I dont know about today, but I weighed myself last wednesday and I was at 235lbs. I lost 10lbs in a month. Anyway, I'm going to leave it at that. Have a good weekend.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Who I am:

<---(pic taking in May 2010)

My name is Audrey,

I am 19 years old and live in East Texas. I love my home and enjoy where I live, but I want to get out and enjoy traveling and live life more. I have three older sisters and no brothers, but I do have brother-in-laws. My family is growing. Well my sisters are making it grow, not me. I have not met Mr. RIGHT. I know he's out there, but I dont know where yet. I'm just going to leave that up to God. I go to college and I am in my second semester. I really am enjoying it. :) I want to go to a University after I graduate community college and do something in the deaf field. I also want to work with disabled children, but mostly with the deaf.

I'm making this blog, not about my life but about my body. I am overweight. I currently weigh over 200lbs. I know I don't look it. I am tall though, so that's why I weight what I weigh (236lbs) My goal weight is to get into the 100s again. I havent been in the 100's in a long time.

Ive always been bigger than the kids in school. I was made fun of and bullied because of the way I look. I use to not love myself when I was in primary school. One of my older sisters pushed me into the right direction and I love myself now. I never thought about suicide and I will never! I feel beautiful inside and outside. But I want to be healthy. I don't want to be super Paris Hilton skinny, but I want to get out of the 200's and feel better about myself.

Ive been working out for a month now, and I havent lost that much...i was 245 on January 21st. In a week I lost 8lbs. I havent really watched what I ate. So I'm starting on that right now. I will be writing down what I eat and drink everyday, (or try anyway) and workout at least 30mins to an hour EVERYDAY!!! And I hope you join me in my journey to lose pounds and get healthier...:)